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October 12, 2022

UNC History Community,

Happy Wednesday! Thank you to everyone that joined us at “Navigating the Archive” yesterday. We hope everyone learned some new technology to implement in their archival research and organization.

1. UNC Digital Collections: Today is University Day! 229 years ago today the cornerstone of Old East was placed to officially begin construction on the university (said cornerstone is now missing, but that’s neither here nor there).UNC’s Wilson Library has a series of digital collections on the university’s history, a sample of which are provided below.

Slavery and the Making of the University

The Carolina Story: A Virtual Museum of University History 

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Image Collection

2. Native Land Digital: Monday was the second federally recognized Indigenous Peoples Day, “a time of reflection, recognition and celebration of the role Native people have played in U.S. history” according to NPR reporter Rachel Treisman. Native Land Digital aims to document Indigenous culture and history through mapping Indigenous territory across the globe. Their database “creates spaces where non-Indigenous people can be invited and challenged to learn more about the lands they inhabit, the history of those lands, and how to actively be part of a better future going forward together.” To learn more about the project or discover the Native Land on which you reside, check out the project here.

3. Queer Digital History: October is also LGBT History Month. Recent scholarship has made great strides in documenting the struggles and activism of LGBTQ+ people, with one such project emerging from Gonzaga University. The Library of Congress Archives have preserved Dr. Avery Dame-Griff’s “Queer Digital History Project,” “an independent digital history project documenting pre-2010 LGBTQ digital spaces online.” The project’s three collections document digital communities, preserve primary sources, and use digital mapping technologies to study transgender digital communications. Visit the project here.

Make sure to contact the Digital History Lab if there are any skills you want to learn, need support with your own digital history projects, or are interested in our podcast!

Thanks for reading,

The DHL Team (Cameron, Dustin, Madeleine, & Sarah)


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